Project stats
326 tests in the 3 projects (front, back, and shared code).
Number of lines of code
     256 text files.
     254 unique files.
      29 files ignored. v 1.90  T=4.10 s
Language           files          blank        comment           code
TypeScript           139           1685            568           9076
Svelte                50            537             46           3419
JavaScript             8            112            195           1713
JSON                  15              0              0            539
Markdown               5             46              0            104
SVG                   10             11              2            104
YAML                   2             26             27             83
HTML                   1              3              1             25
Bourne Shell           1              1              2              1
SQL                    1              1              4              0
SUM:                 232           2422            845          15064